25.03.2025: Veronica De Falco – Import prices and domestic inflation

Presenter: Veronica De Falco
Affiliation: Imperial College London, Business School.

Paper available soon.

Date: March 25, 2024.
Time: 13:00 GMT (15:00 Israel Time)

Abstract: The 2021–2023 inflation surge was characterized by inflation rising in many countries simultaneously due to a mix of, domestic and foreign, supply and demand factors. I investigate the impact of an increase in import prices on domestic inflation. I use monthly bilateral trade data by country-industry for which both the quantity and prices of imported goods are reported at the 4- digits commodity level. I propose a shift-share Bartik-style instrument to estimate the elasticity of domestic inflation to import prices. The quasi-exogenous variation is based on exposure to global import prices of products across countries. Preliminary results show that a 1% increase in import prices increases domestic inflation by 6-10 basis points.

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